Sunday, March 26, 2006

My ever-so slowly developing short....

There is just so little time in the week to get to everything I want, and I often get distracted by my never ending, forever growing to do list....

I am pretty set on Sheldon's design, it's the other main character, Cathy's, design I am struggling with. I am tryin so hard to keep her simple so that when I finally DO get to animating this thing, it won't take me years to finish.

But I am not all that great at character designs to begin with, so it's been a stuggle.
Although there was a post or 2 earlier that I was leaning towards.

Regardless, I am still pluggin away, little by little, working out the story in my head, jotting notes here and there. I hope to be boarding this out soon...


mikecarloooyeah said...

Try breaking breaking things down so that they are simple. I am the worst at that because I am always hung up on detail, and when I try to make things simple they look wonky and awkward, but little by little its been working out nicely. Keep doing what you are doing.

Dan said...

Thanks Mike!

I'm working at it :)